This annex presents an exhaustive list of the attributes and the methods of all the classes contained in the two libraries designed during this study. The figure below shows the template used to describe the methods and the attributes of a class. The classes are listed by alphabetical order for each library. For each attribute, its name and its type are given and a short description presents it. For each method, its name and the type of its arguments are given. The type of the returned value of a method is also indicated. Then, a short description explains what the method performs. Finally, a distinction is made between the instance and the class characteristics of a class.

Class Name
Class Attributes
Attribute Name Attribute Type Description
... ... ...
Class Methods
Method Name and Argument Types Return Type Description
... ... ...
Instance Attributes
Attribute Name Attribute Type Description
... ... ...
Instance Methods
Method Name and Argument Types Return Type Description
... ... ...

The formalism used for the method names is the same we used during the presentation of the libraries. It is the formalism used by the VSE language. The presence of an asterisk at the end of the name of a method means the method has been overridden. The formalism used to define the type of the attributes, the arguments and the returned values is also the same we used during the presentation of the libraries, especially for the containers of objects. So, the reader should refer to this presentation to have more information.

For some libraries, we also indicate the enumeration types used, giving their name and the name of the values they describe. Sometimes, we also present constants used in the library. We just indicate their name and the value they represent.

Enumeration Types
  • SPLinkDirectionType = { SPBidirectional, SPUnidirectional }

  • SPMovingDirectionType = { SPInverseDirection, SPNormalDirection }

  • SPShortestPathModeType = { SPWithConstraints, SPWithoutConstraints }

Attributes and Methods
Instance Attributes
Accepted Boolean Indicates if the authorization is accepted.
Animated Boolean Indicates if the authorization is animated, i.e. if the image of the object changes when the authorization is accepted or refused.
ManagedSpots VSList [SPSpot] Spots that could need the authorization to move an object.
Instance Methods
AcceptedIs: Boolean None Attribute setting method.
AnimatedIs: Boolean None Attribute setting method.
DeclareManagedSpot: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
Initialize * Object Initializes a newly created authorization.
IsAccepted Boolean Attribute access method.
IsAnimated Boolean Attribute access method.
ManagedSpots VSIterator [SPSpot] Attribute access method.
ReplicationStarted * None If animated, sets the start image of the object according to its status.
Instance Attributes
NewPriority Integer New priority every dynamic object will have when arriving at this spot.
Instance Methods
DynObjArrived: SPDynamicObject * None When a dynamic object arrives, it changes its priority.
Initialize * Object Initializes the new created spot.
NewPriority Integer Attribute access method.
NewPriorityIs: Integer None Attribute setting method.
Instance Attributes
WaitingObjects VSList [SPDynamicObject] Objects that wait to undergo an operation in the component.
Instance Methods
DeclareWaitingObject: SPDynamicObject None Attribute setting method.
DynObjArrived: SPDynamicObject * None When a dynamic object arrives, it is added to the list of the waiting objects. The link used by the dynamic object is freed and the component tries to attract another object, if possible.
Initialize * Object Initializes the new created component.
RemoveWaitingObject: SPDynamicObject None Attribute setting method.
WaitingObject VSIterator [SPDynamicObject] Attribute access method.
Instance Attributes
AccessLink SPLink Link that will be used to access the next destination.
CurrentSpot SPSpot Spot where the dynamic object is actually located.
FinalDestination SPSpot Final destination spot of the dynamic object.
LinksGroupNumber Integer Group number of the links the dynamic object must use.
MovingDirection SPMovingDirectionType Indicates if the dynamic object uses the links with their normal direction or with their inverse direction.
NextDestination SPSpot Next destination spot of the dynamic object.
PreviousSpot SPSpot Spot where the dynamic object was previously located.
Priority Integer Priority of the dynamic object.
RandomMovingTime VSContinuousRVStream Random variable representing the time the dynamic object needs to move from a spot to another using a link with a moving coefficient equal to 1.
Instance Methods
AccessLink SPLink Attribute access method.
ArrivedAtComponent: Object * None When the dynamic object arrives at a spot, it updates its status.
CancelNextDestination None Cancels the next destination the dynamic object expected to move.
CurrentSpot SPSpot Attribute access method.
CurrentSpotIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
DefineNextDestination Boolean Finds the next destination of the dynamic object, according to the status of the graph.
DepartedFromComponent: Object * None When the dynamic object departs from a spot, it updates its status and removes itself from the list of the movable objects of the spot.
FinalDestination SPSpot Attribute access method.
FinalDestinationIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
Initialize * Object Initializes the newly created dynamic object.
LinksGroupNumber Integer Attribute access method.
LinksGroupNumberIs: Integer None Attribute setting method.
MovedFromComponent: Object * None When the dynamic object departs from a spot, it updates its status and removes itself from the list of the movable objects of the spot.
MovedToComponent: Object * None When the dynamic object arrives at a spot, it updates its status.
MovingDirection SPMovingDirectionType Attribute access method.
MovingDirectionIs: SPMovingDirectionType None Attribute setting method.
MovingTime Real Attribute access method.
NextDestination SPSpot Attribute access method.
NextDestinationIs: SPSpot usingLink: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
PreviousSpot SPSpot Attribute access method.
PreviousSpotIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
Priority Integer Attribute access method.
PriorityIs: Integer None Attribute setting method.
RandomMovingTimeIs: VSContinuousRVStream None Attribute setting method.
Instance Methods
AttractObject: SPDynamicObject takingTime: Real None Moves the given object to the spot.
Instance Attributes
ExitShape VSShape Shape where a dynamic object moves when exiting this spot.
MovingCoefficient Real Coefficient to multiply to the moving time of the dynamic object to determine the time needed to move to the exit shape.
Instance Methods
ExitShape VSShape Attribute access method.
ExitShapeIs: VSShape None Attribute setting method.
DynObjArrived: SPDynamicObject * None When a dynamic object arrives at the spot, it is moved to the exit shape.
Initialize * Object Initializes the newly created exit spot.
MovingCoefficient Real Attribute access method.
MovingCoefficientIs: Real None Attribute setting method.
Instance Attributes
Links VSList [SPLink] Links that interfere together.
Instance Methods
DeclareLink: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
Initialize * Object Initializes the newly created interference.
Links VSIterator [SPLink] Attribute access method.
ReplicationStarted * None Declares the interference to each link that is concerned.
Instance Attributes
Authorizations VSList [SPAuthorization] Authorizations the link needs to be used.
Destination SPSpot Destination spot of the link.
GroupNumber Integer Number of the group of objects that can use the link.
Interferences VSList [SPInterference] Interferences the link undergoes or implies to other links.
LinkDirection SPLinkDirectionType Indicates if the link is unidirectional or bidirectional.
MovingCoefficient Real Represents the length of the link. In fact, the basic moving time of the object using the link is multiplied by this coefficient.
Source SPSpot Source spot of the link.
Used Boolean Indicates if the link is actually used.
Instance Methods
Authorizations VSIterator [SPAuthorization] Attribute access method.
DeclareAuthorization: SPAuthorization None Attribute setting method.
DeclareInterference: SPInterference None Attribute setting method.
Destination SPSpot Attribute access method.
DestinationIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
EndActivity None Is automatically called when the link is not used anymore. Each spot associated with the links concerned by an interference with this link are ordered to try to attract an object.
GroupNumber Integer Attribute access method.
GroupNumberIs: Integer None Attribute setting method.
Initialize * Object Initializes the newly created link.
Interferences VSIterator [SPInterference] Attribute access method.
IsUsable Boolean Indicates if the link is usable.
IsUsed Boolean Attribute access method.
LinkDirection SPLinkDirectionType Attribute access method.
LinkDirectionIs: SPLinkDirectionType None Attribute setting method.
MoveObject: SPDynamicObject None Moves the given object using the link. Before it verifies that no other object of higher priority wants to move using an interfered link. If it is the case, the spot where the given object is actually located is ordered to try to move the given object to another destination or by another link.
MovingCoefficient Real Attribute access method.
MovingCoefficientIs: Real None Attribute setting method.
ReplicationStarted * None Declares the link to its source and destination spots and also declares itself to the authorizations it needs.
StartActivity None Is automatically called when the link starts to be used. The link is declared used.
Source SPSpot Attribute access method.
SourceIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
UsedIs: Boolean None Attribute setting method.
Instance Methods
DynObjArrived: SPDynamicObject * None When a dynamic object arrives at the move spot, it is added to the list of the movable objects. The link used by the object is also freed and if possible the spot tries to attract another object.
Instance Attributes
AccessLink SPLink Link to access the associated spot.
DistanceFromStart Real Distance of the spot from the first spot of the path.
PreviousElement SPPathElement Path element preceding this one in the path.
Spot SPSpot Spot associated with the path element.
Instance Methods
AccessLink SPLink Attribute access method.
AccessLinkIs: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DistanceFromStart Real Attribute access method.
DistanceFromStartIs: Real None Attribute setting method.
PreviousElement SPPathElement Attribute access method.
PreviousElementIs: SPPathElement None Attribute setting method.
Spot SPSpot Attribute access method.
SpotIs: SPSpot None Attribute setting method.
Class Methods
Integer from: SPSpot to: SPSpot withDirection: SPMovingDirectionType
SPPathElement From a given spot, finds the next spot that is the nearest to a given another spot.
ComputeShortestPathOfGroup: Integer from: SPSpot to: SPSpot withDirection: SPMovingDirectionType inMode: SPShortestPathModeType VSList [SPPathElement] Finds the shortest path between two spots according to the group number of the object using the links and its moving direction. It also can consider the status of the graph (link used, usable...) or not.
Instance Attributes
Capacity Integer Maximum number of dynamic objects that can stay at the same time in the spot.
IncomingLinks VSList [[VSList [SPLink]] Links incoming to the spot, classified by group number.
Mark SPMark Mark used for a shortest path search.
MaximumGroupNumber Integer Maximum number of the group that can use the spot. In fact, it corresponds to the number of elements in the lists incomingLinks, nextSpots, outgoingLinks and previousSpots.
MovableObjects VSList [SPDynamicObject] Objects in the spot that can move.
NextSpots VSList [VSList [SPSpot]] Next spots reachable from this one, classified by group number.
NumberOfObjects Integer Number of objects actually in the spot.
ObjectCanCome Boolean Indicates if an object can come to the spot.
OutgoingLinks VSList [VSList [SPLink]] Links outgoing from the spot, classified by group number.
PathElement SPPathElement Path element associated with the spot. For the purpose of a shortest path search.
PreviousSpots VSList [VSList [SPSpot]] Previous spots, from which this spot is reachable, classified by group number.
Supervisors VSList [SPSupervisor] Supervisors that receive information from the spot.
Instance Methods
AttractObjectWithFirstCandidate: SPDynamicObject Boolean Tries to attract a dynamic object to the spot. A candidate can be given as argument. If no higher priority object wants to move, this candidate will move.
Capacity Integer Attribute access method.
CapacityIs: Integer None Attribute setting method.
DeclareBidirectionalLink: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DeclareIncomingLink: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DeclareMovableObject: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DeclareOutgoingLink: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DeclareSupervisor: SPLink None Attribute setting method.
DecreaseNumberOfObjects None Decreases the number of objects actually in the spot.
DynObjArrived: SPDynamicObject * None Informs the supervisors that a dynamic object is arrived to the spot.
DynObjDeparted: SPDynamicObject * None Informs the supervisors that a dynamic object is departed from the spot. It also tries to attract another object.
IncomingLinksOfGroup: Integer VSIterator [SPLink] Attribute access method.
IncreaseNumberOfObjects None Increases the number of objects actually in the spot.
Initialize * Object Initializes the newly created spot.
Mark SPMark Attribute access method.
MarkIs: SPMark None Attribute setting method.
MaximumGroupNumber Integer Attribute access method.
MovableObjects VSIterator [SPDynamicObject] Attribute access method.
NextSpotsOfGroup: Integer VSIterator [SPSpot] Attribute access method.
NumberOfObjects Integer Attribute access method.
ObjectCanCome Boolean Attribute access method.
ObjectCanComeIs: Boolean None Attribute setting method.
OutgoingLinksOfGroup: Integer VSIterator [SPLink] Attribute access method.
PathElement SPPathElement Attribute access method.
PathElementIs: SPPathElement None Attribute setting method.
PreviousSpotOfGroup: Integer VSIterator [SPSpot] Attribute access method.
RemoveMovableObject: SPDynamicObject None Attribute setting method.
ReplicationStarted * None Associates a path element with the spot.
Supervisors VSIterator [SPSupervisor] Attribute access method.
TryToMoveObject: SPDynamicObject None Tries to move the given object to its next destination.
WhoCanMoveTo: SPSpot SPDynamicObject Returns the highest priority object of the spot that wants to move to the given spot.
Instance Attributes
ImageFlag Boolean Flag to choose between two images to display.
Instance Methods
ChangeImage None Changes the image of the supervisor.
Object: SPDynamicObject arrivedAtSpot: SPSpot None Is automatically called when an object arrives to a supervised spot. Just changes the image of the supervisor but the purpose of this method is to be overridden.
Object: SPDynamicObject departedFromSpot: SPSpot None Is automatically called when an object departs from a supervised spot. Just changes the image of the supervisor but the purpose of this method is to be overridden.
Enumeration Types
  • GPCalendarComparisonType = { GPAfter, GPBefore, GPEqual }

  • GPClockFormatType = { GPOneLineFormat, GPTwoLinesFormat }

  • GPClockUnitType = { GPDay, GPHour, GPMinute, GPSecond }

  • GPDateFormatType = { GPDayFirstFormat, GPMonthFirstFormat }

  • GPTimeFormatType = { GPAmericanFormat, GPMilitaryFormat }

  • GPWeekDayFormatType = { GPLongNameFormat, GPShortNameFormat }

  • GPJanuary = 1 ... GPDecember = 12.

  • GPSunday = 1, GPMonday = 2 ... GPSaturday = 7.

Attributes and Methods
Class attributes
MonthLengths VSList [VSList [Integer]] Number of days of each month, depending on the fact that it is a leap year or not.
MonthNames VSList [VSString] Names of the months.
NumberOfDaysSince1stJanuary VSList [VSList [Integer]] For each month, number of days since the 1st January, depending on the fact that the year is leap or not.
WeekDayLongNames VSList [VSString] Full names of the weekdays.
WeekDayShortNames VSList [VSString] Short names of the weekdays.
Class methods
MonthNameFromNumber: Integer VSString Gives the name of a month according to its number.
MonthNumberFromName: VSString Integer Gives the number of a month according to its name.
Prepare None Prepares the lists of the class.
ReplicationStarted * None Orders the preparation above.
WeekDayLongNameFromNumber: Integer VSString Gives the long name of a weekday according to its number.
WeekDayNumberFromLongName: VSString Integer Gives the number of a weekday according to its long name.
WeekDayNumberFromShortName: VSString Integer Gives the number of a weekday according to its short name.
WeekDayShortNameFromNumber: Integer VSString Gives the short name of a weekday according to its number.
Instance attributes
DayOfMonth Integer Number of the day in the month (1 to 31).
DayOfWeek Integer Number of the day in the week (1 to 7 or GPSunday to GPSaturday).
DayOfYear Integer Number of the day in the year (1 to 366).
Hour Integer Number of the hour in the day (0 to 23).
Minute Integer Number of the minute in the hour (0 to 59).
Month Integer Number of the month (1 to 12 or GPJanuary to GPDecember).
Second Integer Number of the second in the minute (0 to 59).
Year Integer Number of the year (1 to +oo).
Class methods
AddNumberOfClocksUnits: Real None Adds a number of clock units to the calendar.
AddNumberOfDays: Real None Adds a number of days to the calendar.
AddNumberOfHours: Real None Adds a number of hours to the calendar.
AddNumberOfMinutes: Real None Adds a number of minutes to the calendar.
AddNumberOfSeconds: Real None Adds a number of seconds to the calendar.
CompareTo: GPCalendar GPCalendarComparisonType Compares the calendar to another one.
DateInFormat: GPDateFormatType VSString Returns a string of characters representing the date of the calendar.
DateInFormat: GPDateFormatType timeInFormat: GPTimeFormatType withSecond: Boolean VSString Returns a string of characters representing the date and time of the calendar.
DateInFormat: GPDateFormatType weekDayInFormat: GPWeekDayFormatType timeInFormat: GPTimeFormat withSecond: Boolean VSString Returns a string of characters representing the date, day and time of the calendar.
DayNumber Integer Returns the number of the day since the 1/1/1 (1 to +oo ).
DayOfMonth Integer Attribute access method.
DayOfWeek Integer Attribute access method.
DayOfYear Integer Attribute access method.
Hour Integer Attribute access method.
Initialize * Object Initializes the calendar to the 1/1/1 at 00:00:00.
InitializeWithCalendar: GPCalendar Object Initializes the calendar with another one.
InitializeWithDateAndTimeString: VSString Object Initializes the calendar with a date and time string in the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss".
InitializeWithDateString: VSString Object Initializes the calendar with a date string in the format "mm/dd/yyyy". The time is set to 00:00:00.
InitializeWithNumberOfClockUnits: Real Object Initializes the calendar with a number of clock units since the start calendar of the clock simulation.
InitializeWithNumberOfDays: Real since: GPCalendar Object Initializes the calendar with a number of days since another calendar.
InitializeWithNumberOfHours: Real since: GPCalendar Object Initializes the calendar with a number of hours since another calendar.
InitializeWithNumberOfMinutes: Real since: GPCalendar Object Initializes the calendar with a number of minutes since another calendar.
InitializeWithNumberOfSeconds: Real since: GPCalendar Object Initializes the calendar with a number of seconds since another calendar.
InitializeWithShortDateAndTimeString: VSString Object Initializes the calendar with a date and time string in the format "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss". The year is represented by two digits, 00...49 corresponds to 2000...2049 and 50...99 corresponds to 1950...1999.
InitializeWithShortDateString: VSString Object Initializes the calendar with a date string in the format "mm/dd/yy". The time is set to 00:00:00. The year is represented by two digits, 00 to 49 corresponds to 2000 to 2049 and 50 to 99 corresponds to 1950 to 1999.
InitializeWithYear: Integer dayOfYear: Integer Object Initializes the calendar with a year and a day of year. The time is set to 00:00:00.
InitializeWithYear: Integer dayOfYear: Integer hour: Integer minute: Integer second: Integer Object Initializes the calendar with a year, a day of year and a time.
InitializeWithYear: Integer month: Integer dayOfMonth: Integer Object Initializes the calendar with a date. The time is set to 00:00:00.
InitializeWithYear: Integer month: Integer dayOfMonth: Integer hour: Integer minute: Integer second: Integer Object Initializes the calendar with a date and a time.
IsAfter: GPCalendar Boolean Indicates if the calendar is after another one.
IsAfterOrEqualTo: GPCalendar Boolean Indicates if the calendar is after or equal to another one.
IsBefore: GPCalendar Boolean Indicates if the calendar is before another one.
IsBeforeOrEqualTo: GPCalendar Boolean Indicates if the calendar is before or equal to another one.
IsEqualTo: GPCalendar Boolean Indicates if the calendar is equal to another one.
LeapYear Boolean Indicates if the year is leap.
Minute Integer Attribute access method.
Month Integer Attribute access method.
NumberOfClockUnits Real Returns the number of clock units between the calendar and the start calendar of the simulation clock.
NumberOfDaysSince: GPCalendar Real Returns the number of days between the calendar and another one.
NumberOfHoursSince: GPCalendar Real Returns the number of hours between the calendar and another one.
NumberOfMinutesSince: GPCalendar Real Returns the number of minutes between the calendar and another one.
NumberOfSecondsSince: GPCalendar Real Returns the number of seconds between the calendar and another one.
Second Integer Attribute access method.
SecondNumber Integer Returns the number of the second in the day (0 to 86399).
SetWithCalendar: GPCalendar None Sets the calendar with another one.
SetWithDateAndTimeString: VSString None Sets the calendar with a date and time string in the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss".
SetWithDateString: VSString None Sets the calendar with a date string in the format "mm/dd/yyyy". The time is set to 00:00:00.
SetWithDayNumber: Integer secondNumber: Integer None Sets the calendar with a day number and a second number.
SetWithNumberOfClockUnits: Real None Sets the calendar with a number of clock units since the start calendar of the clock simulation.
SetWithNumberOfDays: Real since: GPCalendar None Sets the calendar with a number of days since another calendar.
SetWithNumberOfHours: Real since: GPCalendar None Sets the calendar with a number of hours since another calendar.
SetWithNumberOfMinutes: Real since: GPCalendar None Sets the calendar with a number of minutes since another calendar.
SetWithNumberOfSeconds: Real since: GPCalendar None Sets the calendar with a number of seconds since another calendar.
SetWithShortDateAndTimeString: VSString None Sets the calendar with a date and time string in the format "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss". The year is represented by two digits, 00 to 49 corresponds to 2000 to 2049 and 50 to 99 corresponds to 1950 to 1999.
SetWithShortDateString: VSString None Sets the calendar with a date string in the format "mm/dd/yy". The time is set to 00:00:00. The year is represented by two digits, 00 to 49 corresponds to 2000 to 2049 and 50 to 99 corresponds to 1950 to 1999.
SetWithYear: Integer dayOfYear: Integer None Sets the calendar with a year and a day of year. The time is set to 00:00:00.
SetWithYear: Integer dayOfYear: Integer hour: Integer minute: Integer second: Integer None Sets the calendar with a year, a day of year and a time.
SetWithYear: Integer month: Integer dayOfMonth: Integer None Sets the calendar with a date. The time is set to 00:00:00.
SetWithYear: Integer month: Integer dayOfMonth: Integer hour: Integer minute: Integer second: Integer None Sets the calendar with a date and a time.
SubtractNumberOfClocksUnits: Real None Subtracts a number of clock units from the calendar.
SubtractNumberOfDays: Real None Subtracts a number of days from the calendar.
SubtractNumberOfHours: Real None Subtracts a number of hours from the calendar.
SubtractNumberOfMinutes: Real None Subtracts a number of minutes from the calendar.
SubtractNumberOfSeconds: Real None Subtracts a number of seconds from the calendar.
TimeInFormat: GPTimeFormatType withSecond: Boolean VSString Returns a string of characters representing the time of the calendar.
WeekDayInFormat: GPWeekDayFormatType timeInFormat: GPTimeFormat withSecond: Boolean VSString Returns a string of characters representing the day and time of the calendar.
Year Integer Attribute access method.
Instance attributes
ClockFormat GPClockFormatType Indicates if the date and time are written with one or two lines.
DateFormat GPDateFormatType Format of the date, the day first or the month first.
SecondDisplayed Boolean Indicates if the second is displayed.
TimeFormat GPTimeFormatType Format of the time, American (with AM and PM) or military (hours from 0 to 23).
WeekDayDisplayed Boolean Indicates if the weekday is displayed.
WeekDayFormat GPWeekDayFormatType Format of the weekday, long name or short name.
Instance methods
Refresh * None Refreshes the display of the clock.
Instance attributes
NumberOfBlankLines Integer Number of blank lines in the text displayed on the clock component. It allows centering vertically the text.
Instance methods
Refresh None This method is called by the clocks manager to refresh the component.
ReplicationStarted * None Registers the component to the clocks manager.
Class attributes
AutomaticClocksRefreshing Boolean Indicates if the refreshing of the clocks is automatic.
ClockComponents VSList [GPClockComponent] List of the clock components to be automatically refreshed.
ClocksManager GPClockManager The clock manager of the model.
ClocksRefreshingPeriod Real Period with which the clocks are refreshed. It is a number of clock units.
ClockUnit GPClockUnitType Unit in which the internal clock of the model is considered.
CurrentCalendar GPCalendar Current date and time of the simulation clock.
EndCalendar GPCalendar Date and time of the simulation clock when the simulation ends.
StartCalendar GPCalendar Date and time of the simulation clock at the start of the simulation.
Class methods
ActivateAutomaticClocksRefreshing None Activates the automatic clocks refreshing.
AutomaticClocksRefreshing Boolean Attribute access method.
ClocksRefreshingPeriod Real Attribute access method.
ClockUnit GPClockUnitType Attribute access method.
CurrentCalendar GPCalendar Attribute access method.
DeactivateAutomaticClocksRefreshing None Deactivates the automatic clocks refreshing.
EndCalendar GPCalendar Attribute access method.
RefreshClocks None Refreshes the display of the registered clock components.
RegisterClockComponent: GPClockComponent None Registers a clock component to be automatically refreshed.
ReplicationStarted * None Gets information from the top level to initialize its own attributes and then schedules the first refreshing.
SetClockRefreshingPeriod: Real None Attribute setting method.
StartCalendar GPCalendar Attribute access method.
UnregisterClockComponent: GPClockComponent None Unregisters a clock component.
Instance methods
StoppedEngagement: Integer * None Refreshes the clocks and schedules the next refreshing.
Instance attributes
Format GPDateFormatType Format of the date, the day first or the month first.
Instance methods
Refresh * None Refreshes the display of the date.
Instance attributes
SecondDisplayed Boolean Indicates if the second is displayed.
TimeFormat GPTimeFormatType Format of the time, American (with AM and PM) or military (hours from 0 to 23).
WeekDayFormat GPWeekDayFormatType Format of the weekday, long name or short name.
Instance methods
Refresh * None Refreshes the display of the day and the time.
Instance attributes
Format GPTimeFormatType Format of the time, American (with AM and PM) or military (hours from 0 to 23).
SecondDisplayed Boolean Indicates if the second is displayed.
Instance methods
Refresh * None Refreshes the display of the time.
Instance attributes
AutomaticClocksRefreshing Boolean Indicates if the refreshing of the clocks is automatic.
ClocksRefreshingPeriod Real Period with which the clocks are refreshed. It is a number of clock units.
ClockUnit GPClockUnitType Unit in which the internal clock of the model is considered.
EndDateAndTime VSString Date and time of the simulation clock when the simulation ends.
StartDateAndTime VSString Date and time of the simulation clock at the start of the simulation.
Instance methods
AutomaticClocksRefreshing Boolean Attribute access method.
ClocksRefreshingPeriod Real Attribute access method.
ClockUnit GPClockUnitType Attribute access method.
EndDateAndTime VSString Attribute access method.
StartDateAndTime VSString Attribute access method.
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 - Bruno Bachelet - -
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