This Java applet illustrates how simple fractals are drawn. It animates different figures: one called the "dragon", three plant structures, a snowflake and one that looks like a wave. If you are interested in fractals, look at the page .
To use this applet, you have to indicate the size of the display (in pixels), its background and foreground colors, the refreshing period of the animation (in milliseconds) and the maximal recursivity depth of the fractal. You choose which fractal you want to animate by calling the corresponding Java class.
This fractal, implemented by class DragonFractal , is called the "dragon", and is displayed up to depth 12.
The three plant fractals displayed below are described page 25 of the book "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants", by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer (Springer-Verlag, 1990). You can change some parameters of the fractals by pressing keys. The fractals are implemented by classes PlantIFractal , PlantIIFractal and PlantIIIFractal .
This fractal, implemented by class SnowflakeFractal , is displayed up to depth 4.
This fractal, implemented by class WaveFractal , is displayed up to depth 11.
Here is the source code of the files needed for the applets.
Click here to download the applets and their source code.