bruno.bachelet@uca.fr (Professional)
bruno@nawouak.net (Personal) |
Phone: (Professional) (Personal) |
Address (Professional):
LIMOS Laboratory
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
1 Rue de la Chebarde
63178 Aubière, France |
Bruno Bachelet |
49 years old French |
- Software Design: Flexibility and Performance
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design
Generic Programming and Metaprogramming
- Operations Research: Optimization, Simulation and Coupling
Combinatorial Optimization
Discrete-Event Simulation
February 2007 - Present
Associate Professor in Computer Science |
LIMOS Laboratory.
(Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Systems Laboratory),
University of Clermont Auvergne,
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Teacher at the MMI Department, IUT Clermont Auvergne, Vichy, France:
- Theory of Object-Oriented Programming (course / PW),
- Algorithmic and Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (course / PW),
- Information Systems with PHP and MySQL (course / PW),
- Information Systems and Content Management (course / PW),
- Object and Event Programming in TypeScript (course / PW),
- Object and Event Programming in JavaScript (course / PW),
- Object Programming and Graphical Interfaces in Java (course / PW),
- Mobile Programming on Android (course / PW),
- Object and Event Programming in ActionScript (course / PW).
Teaching at the ISIMA Institute, Clermont-Ferrand, France:
- Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (course / PW),
- Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Java (course / PW),
- Complements of Software Engineering in Java (course / PW).
Teaching at the Science & Tech. University Department, Vichy, France:
- Design Patterns (course / PW).
September 2005 - January 2007
Research Engineer in Scientific Computing |
Topic: |
Modeling and Simulation of Grassland Ecosystems:
Coupling Numerical Integration Models.
Participation in the DISCOVER project of the French ANR. |
Agronomy Research Unit.
INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research),
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Teaching at Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, France:
- Algorithmic in C++ (course / PW).
October 2003 - August 2005
Post-Doctorate in Computer Science |
Topics: |
Synchronization Algorithms for Hypermedia Presentation.
Collaboration with the TeleMídia laboratory of Rio de Janeiro.
Protecting and Securing Recent Network Architectures.
Participation in the PRESTO project of the French ACI on Computer Security. |
LIMOS Laboratory.
(Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Systems Laboratory),
Blaise Pascal University,
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Teaching at the ISIMA Institute, Clermont-Ferrand, France:
- Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (course / PW).
September 2001 - August 2003
Assistant Teacher and Researcher in Computer Science |
Topics: |
Linear Programming (course / SPW),
Introduction to C and Unix (course / PW),
Advanced C Language (course / PW),
Introduction to Java (course / PW),
UML Modeling (SPW),
Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (PW),
Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (PW). |
ISIMA Institute.
(Computer Science and Modeling Institute),
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
October 1998 - August 2001
Trainee Teacher in Computer Science |
Topics: |
Operations Research (course / SPW),
Data Structures (course / PW). |
IUT de l'Université d'Auvergne.
(University Institute of Technology),
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
April 1998 - August 1998
Internship for MS Degree in Computer Science |
Virginia Tech University.
Computer Science Department,
Blacksburg, VA,
Supervisor: Professor Osman Balci.
December 2016
French Habilitation to Supervise Research in Computer Science |
Topic: |
Flexibility and Performance of Computer Codes in Optimization and Simulation. |
LIMOS Laboratory.
(Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Systems Laboratory),
Blaise Pascal University,
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Defense: December 7, 2016.
October 1998 - February 2003
PhD Degree in Computer Science |
Topic: |
Modeling and Optimization of Synchronization Problems in Hypermedia Documents. |
LIMOS Laboratory.
(Computer Science, Modeling and Optimization of Systems Laboratory),
Blaise Pascal University,
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Supervisor: Professor Philippe Mahey.
Defense: February 24, 2003.
This thesis is oriented around two axes. First, use operations research techniques in order to solve synchronization problems that occur in the conception and the presentation of hypermedia documents. Second, explain the reasons why the design of a library of reusable components for graph problems can not follow the classical rules of software engineering, and propose some conception solutions.
A mixed C++ and Java object-oriented library as portable and reusable as possible for the purpose of operations research, and more specifically graph problems, has been developed during this thesis.
October 1997 - March 1998
MS Degree in Computer Science |
Specialty: |
Operations Research and Production Engineering. |
Blaise Pascal University.
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
For more details...
October 1995 - March 1998
Engineer Degree in Computer Science |
Specialty: |
Information Systems and Production Systems Modeling. |
ISIMA Institute.
(Computer Science and Modeling Institute),
Clermont-Ferrand (63),
Software Engineering and Modeling |
- Object-Oriented Modeling and Design (UML)
- Generic Programming and Metaprogramming
- Parallel Programming (Multithreading)
- Combinatorial Optimization in Graphs
- Linear Programming
- Discrete-Event Simulation
- Numerical Integration Simulation
- C/C++, C++11/14, C++17
- Java, JNI (C/C++ and Java Interface), Android API
- HTML/CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP/MySQL, XML/XSLT
- Bash Script
LambdAgrIoT - A New Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Robots' Scheduling: from Design to Experiments.
Géraldine André, Bruno Bachelet, Pietro Battistoni, Amina Belhassena, Sandro Bimonte,
Christophe Cariou, Frédéric Chabot, Gérard Chalhoub, Adrian Couvent, Georgia Garani,
Jean Laneurit, Rim Moussa, Konstantinos Oikonomou, Ibrahim Sammour, Monica Sebillo,
Mateus Vilela Souza, Nicolas Tricot, Robert Wrembel.
In Cluster Computing.
2023, Springer, volume 26, pages 2993-3015.
A Model for Scheduling a Fleet of Autonomous Electric Agricultural Robots.
Mateus Vilela Souza, Bruno Bachelet, Thiago Noronha, Loïc Yon, Christophe Duhamel.
In The Proceedings of SBPO 2022.
2022, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
12 pages, article 152708.
Towards an Architecture for Online Scheduling of Autonomous Robots in Agriculture: Open Issues.
Bruno Bachelet, Pietro Battistoni, Sandro Bimonte, Christophe Cariou,
Gérard Chalhoub, Fabien Coutarel, Nicolas Tricot.
In International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation.
2022, IGI Global, volume 5-1, pages 1-23.
Towards an Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Robots' Scheduling.
Amina Belhassena, Pietro Battistoni, Mateus Vilela Souza, Jean Laneurit, Rim Moussa,
Sandro Bimonte, Robert Wrembel, Mouad Abouqateb, Christophe Cariou,
Gérard Chalhoub, Géraldine André, Monica Sebillo, Bruno Bachelet.
In The Proceedings of EDOCW 2021.
2021, Gold Coast, Australia.
IEEE, pages 194-203.
Hedgehog: Understandable Scheduler-Free Heterogeneous Asynchronous Multithreaded Data-Flow Graphs.
Alexandre Bardakoff, Bruno Bachelet, Timothy Blattner,
Walid Keyrouz, Gerson C. Kroiz, Loïc Yon.
In The Proceedings of PAW-ATM.
2020, Atlanta, Georgia, United-States.
IEEE/ACM, pages 1-15.
Repeatability with Random Numbers Using Algorithmic Skeletons.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet.
In The Proceedings of ESM'2020.
2020, Toulouse, France.
Pages 39-46.
Modeling Algorithmic Skeletons for Automatic Parallelization
Using Template Metaprogramming.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet.
In The Proceedings of HPCS 2019.
2019, Dublin, Ireland.
IEEE, pages 265-272.
Static Loop Parallelization Decision Using Template Metaprogramming.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet.
In The Proceedings of HPCS 2018.
2018, Orléans, France.
IEEE, pages 1015-1021.
Designing Expression Templates with Concepts.
Bruno Bachelet, Loïc Yon.
In Software: Practice and Experience.
2017, John Wiley & Sons, volume 47-11, pages 1521-1537.
Research report LIMOS/RR15-02.
Bicriteria Strategy for a Scalability Problem in Cloud Computing.
Marco Túlio Reis Rodrigues, Rui Sá Shibasaki, Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel.
In The Proceedings of SBPO 2015.
2015, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil.
Pages 360-371.
Cost Models for Selecting Materialized Views in Public Clouds.
Romain Perriot, Jérémy Pfeifer, Laurent d'Orazio,
Bruno Bachelet, Sandro Bimonte, Jérôme Darmont.
In International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining.
2014, IGI Global, volume 10-4, pages 1-25.
Research report LIMOS/IRSTEA/ERIC.
Towards Vulnerability Minimization of Grassland Soil Organic Matter
Using Metamodels.
Romain Lardy, Bruno Bachelet, Gianni Bellocchi, David Hill.
In Environmental Modelling & Software.
2014, Elsevier Science, volume 52, pages 38-50.
Optimized Data Management for E-Learning in the Clouds towards Cloodle.
Mirna Adriani, Yeow Wei Choong, Ba Hung Ngo, Laurent d'Orazio, Dominique Laurent,
Nicolas Spyratos, Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel, Tao-Yuan Jen, Claudia Marinica,
Thuong Cang Phan, Gilbert Ooi Sin Cheak, Romain Perriot, Tran Thi To Quyen, Loïc Yon.
In The Proceedings of SoICT 2013.
2013, Da Nang, Vietnam.
ACM, pages 320-324.
A GRASP Heuristic to Optimize the Materialization of Views in the Cloud.
Vilmar Jefté Rodrigues de Sousa, Michael David de Souza Dutra,
Bruno Bachelet, Laurent d'Orazio.
In The Proceedings of SBPO 2013.
2013, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Pages 1825-1834.
Cost Models for Selecting Materialized Views in the Cloud,
Application to Amazon EC2 and S3 Services.
Romain Perriot, Jérémy Pfeifer, Laurent d'Orazio,
Bruno Bachelet, Sandro Bimonte, Jérôme Darmont.
In Actes des Journées Francophones EDA'13.
2013, Blois, France.
RNTI, Editions Hermann, volume B.9, pages 53-68.
Template Metaprogramming Techniques for Concept-Based Specialization.
Bruno Bachelet, Antoine Mahul, Loïc Yon.
In Scientific Programming.
2013, IOS Press, volume 21, pages 43-61.
Research report LIMOS/RR10-18.
Plasticity of Plant Form and Function Sustains Productivity and Dominance along Environment and Competition Gradients. A Modeling Experiment with GEMINI.
Vincent Maire, Jean-François Soussana, Nicolas Gross, Bruno Bachelet,
Loic Pagès, Raphaël Martin, Tanja Reinhold, Christian Wirth, David Hill.
In Ecological Modelling.
2013, Elsevier Science, volume 254, pages 80-91.
Ecosystem Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Framework.
Romain Lardy, Raphaël Martin, Bruno Bachelet, David Hill, Gianni Bellocchi.
In The Proceedings of iEMSs 2012.
2012, Leipzig, Germany.
Pages 777-784.
Steady-State Soil Organic Matter Approximation Model:
Application to the Pasture Simulation Model.
Romain Lardy, Anne-Isabelle Graux, Bruno Bachelet, David Hill, Gianni Bellocchi.
In The Proceedings of iEMSs 2012.
2012, Leipzig, Germany.
Pages 769-776.
GEMINI: a Grassland Model Simulating the Role of Plant Traits for Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning. Parameterization and Evaluation.
Jean-François Soussana, Vincent Maire, Nicolas Gross, Bruno Bachelet,
Loic Pagès, Raphaël Martin, David Hill, Christian Wirth.
In Ecological Modelling.
2012, Elsevier Science, volume 231, pages 134-145.
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment with Constrained Design of Experiments,
Using a Model-Driven Engineering Approach.
Romain Lardy, Gianni Bellocchi, Bruno Bachelet, David Hill.
In The Proceedings of ESM'2011.
2011, Guimaraes, Portugal.
Pages 354-362.
ShoveRand: a Model-Driven Framework to Easily Generate
Random Numbers on GP-GPU.
Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet, David Hill.
In The Proceedings of HPCS 2011.
2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Pages 41-48.
Aggregation Approach for the Minimum Binary Cost Tension Problem.
Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel.
In European Journal of Operations Research.
2009, Elsevier Science, volume 197-2, pages 837-841.
Research report LIMOS/RR04-08.
Biological Diversity and Functioning of Ecosystems: Interpreting
and Evaluating the Key Experiences in Grassland with Mechanistic Modeling.
Jean-François Soussana, Denis Vile, Vincent Maire, Frédérique Louault, Bruno Bachelet, Catherine Picon-Cochard, Pascal Carrère, Bertrand Dumont, René Baumont, François Gastal, Jean-Louis Durand, Christian Huyghe, Isabelle Litrico, Xavier Le Roux, Franck Poly, Daniel Cluzeau, Guenola Peres, David Hill, Jean-Claude Emile, Safia Médiène, Paul Leadley, Christian Wirth, Tanja Reinhold, Hans Dähring.
In Actes du Séminaire du Programme ANR Biodiversité, 5èmes Journées de l'IFB.
2007, Tours, France.
Pages 90-95.
A GRASP Heuristic for the Minimum Binary Cost Tension Problem.
Christophe Duhamel, Bruno Bachelet.
In The Proceedings of MIC 2007.
2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Pages 139.1-139.3.
Model Enhancement: Improving Theoretical Optimization with Simulation.
Bruno Bachelet, Loïc Yon.
In Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory.
2007, Elsevier Science, volume 15-6, pages 703-715.
Research report LIMOS/RR05-03.
Elastic Time Computation in QoS-Driven Hypermedia Presentations.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey, Rogério Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Soares.
In Multimedia Systems.
2007, Springer-Verlag, volume 12, pages 461-478.
Research report LIMOS/RR04-16.
Coupling Numerical Integration Models: Granularity and Computational Sequence.
Jean-Christophe Gay, Bruno Bachelet, Vincent Maire.
Research report FGEP/RR06-11, Agronomy Research Unit, INRA.
2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
UNIF: a Simulation Framework for Numerical Integration Models.
Bruno Bachelet, Stéphane Witzmann, Jean-François Soussana.
Research report FGEP/RR06-10, Agronomy Research Unit, INRA.
2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Designing Generic Algorithms for Operations Research.
Bruno Bachelet, Antoine Mahul, Loïc Yon.
In Software: Practice and Experience.
2006, John Wiley & Sons, volume 36-1, pages 73-93.
Research report LIMOS/RR03-20.
Enhancing Theoretical Optimization Solutions by Coupling with Simulation.
Bruno Bachelet, Loïc Yon.
In The Proceedings of OICMS 2005.
2005, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Pages 331-342.
- To see the slides...
Modeling of Routing Problems in GMPLS Networks.
Jérôme Truffot, Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
Research report LIMOS/RR04-24, Laboratoire LIMOS, Université Blaise Pascal.
2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Bus Routing Problems: Coupling of Optimization Methods and Simulation.
Loïc Yon, Bruno Bachelet.
In Actes de la 5ème Conférence Francophone MOSIM.
2004, Nantes, France.
Lavoisier, volume 1, pages 345-352.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Minimum Convex Piecewise Linear Cost Tension Problem on Quasi SP-Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
In 4OR: a Quarterly Journal of Operations Research.
2004, Springer-Verlag, volume 2-4, pages 275-291.
Research report LIMOS/RR03-19.
Hypermedia Synchronization: Modeling and Optimization with Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel, Philippe Mahey, Luiz Fernando Soares.
In Information Processing: Recent Mathematical Advances in Optimization and Control.
2004, Mathematical Sciences and Computing series, chapter 5, pages 49-62.
Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris.
Minimum Convex-Cost Tension Problems on Series-Parallel Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
In RAIRO Operations Research.
2003, EDP Sciences, volume 37-4, pages 221-234.
Research report LIMOS/RR03-06.
Optimization of the Presentation of a Hypermedia Document.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
In Annales Scientifiques de l'Université Blaise Pascal.
2001, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Volume 110-42, pages 81-90.
Elastic Time Computation for Hypermedia Documents.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey, Rogério Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Soares.
In The Proceedings of SBMídia'2000.
2000, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Pages 47-62.
Achieving Reusability in Visual Simulation of a Parts Distribution System.
Bruno Bachelet, Osman Balci.
In The Proceedings of SCSC 1999.
1999, Chicago, Illinois, United-States.
Pages 115-118.
Online Scheduling with Time Windows of Agricultural Robots.
Mateus Vilela Souza, Bruno Bachelet, Thiago F. Noronha, Loïc Yon, Christophe Duhamel.
At the 22th Congress of the ROADEF.
2021, Mulhouse, France.
Hedgehog: a Performance-Oriented General Purpose Library for Multi-GPU Systems.
Alexandre Bardakoff, Timothy Blattner, Bruno Bachelet, Walid Keyrouz, Loïc Yon.
At the GPU Technology Conference.
2020, San Diego, United-States.
Processing Algorithmic Skeletons at Compile-Time.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Loïc Yon, Bruno Bachelet.
At the 21th Congress of the ROADEF.
2020, Montpellier, France.
SuperRob: Management and Supervision of Fleets of Autonomous Mobile Robots.
Bruno Bachelet, Sandro Bimonte, Christophe Cariou, Gérard Chalhoub,
Fabien Coutarel, Gil De Sousa, Nicolas Tricot, Mateus Vilela Souza, Loïc Yon.
At the Challenge 2 Day of CAP 20-25 I-Site Project - Agrotechnologies.
2020, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Algorithmic Skeletons Using Template Metaprogramming.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet.
At the 14th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology.
2019, Kumamoto, Japan.
Parallel Algorithmic Skeletons for Metaheuristics.
Alexis Pereda, David Hill, Claude Mazel, Bruno Bachelet.
At the 20th Congress of the ROADEF.
2019, Le Havre, France.
Parallel Algorithm for the Minimization without Constraints
of Semi-Separable Functions.
Jonas Koko, Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel.
At the Days of the French MODE-SMAI Group.
2008, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
GEMINI, Ecophysiological Model of Grassland Diversity.
Presentation and Application Examples.
Vincent Maire, Denis Vile, Bruno Bachelet, Jean-François Soussana.
At the Symposium of the Research Group CNRS-INRA ComEvol.
2006, Montpellier, France.
Software Development Advances for the GEMINI Model.
Bruno Bachelet, Jean-Christophe Gay, Vincent Maire, Jean-François Soussana.
At the ANR / DISCOVER Project Meeting.
2006, Paris, France.
From Individual to Populations: GEMINI, a Grassland Ecosystem Model
with Individual-Centered Interactions.
Jean-François Soussana, Vincent Maire, Bruno Bachelet, Jean-Christophe Gay,
Christian Wirth, Tanja Reinhold, Jens Schumacher, Hans Dähring.
At the Jena Experiment Meeting.
2006, Jena, Germany.
Using Functional Traits as Parameters of an Ecophysiological Model
for Vegetal Diversity.
Vincent Maire, Jean-François Soussana, Bruno Bachelet, Laíse da Silveira Pontes.
At the 8th French Days of Functional Ecology.
2006, Nouan-le-Fuzelier, France.
UNIF: Generic Integration Simulator.
Bruno Bachelet, Vincent Maire, Jean-François Soussana.
At the ANR / DISCOVER Project Meeting.
2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Aggregation Method for Tension Problems.
Bruno Bachelet.
At the 4th Francoro International Conference.
2004, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Hypermedia Synchronization: Modeling and Optimization with Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Christophe Duhamel, Philippe Mahey, Luiz Fernando Soares.
At the 21th IFIP TC7 Conference.
2003, Sophia Antipolis, France.
- To see the slides... -
Elastic Time Computation in Hypermedia Documents.
Philippe Mahey, Bruno Bachelet.
At the 1th Workshop on Network Engineering and Broadband Services.
2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Reconstruction Method for the Hypermedia Synchronization of SP-Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
At the 5th Congress of the ROADEF.
2003, Avignon, France.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Complexity of Multimedia Documents Scheduling Problems.
Eric Sanlaville, Bruno Bachelet, Celso Ribeiro.
At the 5th Congress of the ROADEF.
2003, Avignon, France.
Minimum Cost Tension in a Series-Parallel or Almost Series-Parallel Graph.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
At the 4th French Days on Graphs and Algorithms.
2002, Nantes, France.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Hypermedia Synchronization and Series-Parallel Graphs.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
At the 4th National Days of the ROADEF.
2002, Paris, France.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Synchronized Hypermedia Documents and Tension Problems in a Graph.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
At the 3rd French Meeting on Graphs and Algorithms.
2001, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- To see the slides (in French)...
Optimal Synchronization of Hypermedia Documents.
Bruno Bachelet, Philippe Mahey.
At the Optimization Days 2000.
2000, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Temporal Scheduling Problems in Multimedia Documents.
Bruno Bachelet.
At the Séminaires du GOThA.
2000, Paris, France.
Synchronization Problems in Hypermedia Documents.
Bruno Bachelet.
At the Séminaires de l'Ecole Doctorale "Sciences pour l'Ingénieur".
2000, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, 2024.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2020.
Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, 2020.
Software: Practice and Experience, 2019.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2017.
Special issue of the HPCS 2016 conference.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2016.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2011-2013.
Special issues of the HPCS 2010-2012 conferences.
4OR: a Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2011.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2011.
European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2010.
Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the ROADEF, 2008.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2006-2007.
European Journal of Operational Research, 2005.
Special issue of the Francoro IV conference.
IEEE Computer, 2004.
Mother tongue.
Fluent knowledge.
Five-month stay in 1998 as intern at Virginia Tech University, VA, United-States.
Brazilian Portuguese 
Beginner level.